Art Date

The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron

What inspires you, in whatever part of your life is most creative? Or are you someone who admires creative people but doesn't see yourself that way? Maybe you used to draw or paint or act or dance or cook or build or sew or ...? But not anymore? 

If you've ever read "The Artist's Way," by Julia Cameron, you know that it's all about re-connecting with your creative side, or finding it for the first time.  I've always been connected with my creativity, but I've worked my way through that book a few times anyway and found an even deeper connection. 

However, I always rebelled against one of her suggestions--The Artist Date.  This is supposed to be a weekly date in which the artist takes herself somewhere inspiring.  For some reason, I always used to interpret that as some stuffy artsy place that cost a lot of money or took up all of my time.  As a former single mom, I was extra short on both, so every week I would write "artist date" in my planner, determined to do something artsy and out of my reach, and...surprise! Not do it.

Don't get me wrong, I love to look at art.  Going to an art museum or a gallery walk is fun and inspiring. But my work is really about new exploration, spirituality, and connecting with the feminine.  What REALLY inspires my artwork is quiet moments.  A vivid dream, meditation, spending time in a forest or by the ocean, connecting with other women, practicing Reiki. Playing with new art supplies, sitting in a corner of a coffee shop sketching. 

All of those years, I was missing the point.  An artist date doesn't have to involve pretention, doesn't have to cost a lot of money or require dressing up.  You don't have to be one of the cool kids.  You just have to find something that fills your cup and savor it. On a regular basis. 

Excerpt from The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron

My my purpose for writing this is threefold:

1. To inspire you to connect with your creativity! You don't have to be an artist, but do you have a creative outlet? Do you want to have one? What will your artist dates be? 

2. Some accountability for myself because I am going to take myself on a bi-weekly artist date.  Follow me on Instagram to see where I go! @LeaKTawdArtist

3. I would like to host an Artist's Way group! We would meet online or in person once a week for 12 weeks.  Is this something you would be interested in? Let me know in the comments and make sure to leave a way for me to get in touch with you.


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